Minitube 0.5 is out!

Grab it now!

  1. SymbianFlo says:

    I am very greatfull to you for this release ,( also all x86_64 arch user becose does non need flash-plugin)
    I manage a porting for mandriva 2009.1 available on MIB
    (Mandriva Italia Backports)repository.
    PS:grazie mille ottimo lavoro

  2. Flavio says:

    Grazie a te del pacchetto! Speriamo che arrivi in un repository ufficiale di Mandriva.

  3. Andre says:


    I have no video on the minitubeplayer. Just a black screen.
    Sound is working.

  4. MikiTux says:

    Try to run it from shell… :-)

  5. Flavio says:

    Yes MikiTux is correct, if you’re able to do it… Linux or Mac?