Minitube 0.8.1 fixes HD mode

Unfortunately a critical bug popped up in the 0.8 release. When HD mode is enabled, non-HD videos fail to play. A “Network error” is reported and Minitube skips to the next video. It’s not 100% clear to me what triggered the bug, anyway it should be fixed in 0.8.1.

  1. James says:

    Minitube 8.1 on Ubuntu 9.1 amd 64 version…
    Worked fine to start with now it just opens with the list of videos but none will play.

  2. Flavio says:

    James, that’s unlikely. Check the FAQ

  3. Stefano says:

    ciao Flavio e complimenti per il software molto carino.

    lo volevo provare e lo ho installato nella mia Karmik x86 ma non fa il play dei video ho controllato quello che c’รจ nelle FAQ ma non partono i video idee?

  4. sirius says:

    same problem as James but right from start

    Minitube 8.1 / Ubuntu 9.10 amd 64

  5. Flavio says:

    Sirius, if you already did what the FAQ suggest, you should ask for support in the Ubuntu forums. The problem is your Phonon setup. Minitube relies on Phonon being able play videos.

  6. joe says:

    Hey, love minitube, except i had an issue after doing a search for ‘the daily show’ where the first video loaded caused the window to resize itself to larger than my desktop and fudges how full screen videos display.. the window refuses to be resized at this point and even restarting does not reset the window size. running as a different user fixes this, but i don’t know where my system is storing this window size data (mandriva 2010.0 using GNOME) and all my googling and poking around my filesystem has not clued me in, either… wtf?

  7. Parkourt says:

    Hey Flavio,

    I’m running Kubuntu Lucid i386 which uses QT 4.6 and I’m still getting the error message:
    minitube: symbol lookup error: minitube: undefined symbol: _ZN9QHashData13detach_helperEPFvPNS_4NodeEPvEPFvS1_Ei

    I’m using Christian Mangold’s PPA which has version 0.8.1

    Any ideas?

  8. BostonPeng says:

    I love Minitube but I have to ask if there’s a way to search for videos uploaded by a specific user. I’d love to be able to use Minitube to check out the newest vids from YouTube user cheezburger but from what I’m seeing now I have to look for each video they posted individually, which is pretty tedious.