Minitube 0.6.1 to the rescue!

You may have noticed that your beloved Minitube is not working anymore. Don’t panic! Version 0.6.1 is here to help you. Many thanks to Guillaume Girard for reporting the problem and suggesting a fix. Mac builds will arrive in a few hours Mac builds are up.

  1. symbianflo says:

    Scritto: /home/symbianflo/rpmbuild/SRPMS/minitube-0.6.1-69mib2009.1.src.rpm
    Scritto: /home/symbianflo/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/minitube-0.6.1-69mib2009.1.x86_64.rpm

    sempre qui ghghgh

  2. MikiTux says:

    Package for GNU/Linux Slackware 13.0 ->

    Bye 8-)

  3. Pat says:

    Grande, e’ un sacco di tempo che cerco di risolvere il problema visualizzazione filmati flash con Ubuntu, e adesso ho risolto!
    Grazie anche per la dritta sulla rai in diretta, funziona benissimo.

  4. teq says:

    non c’è la versione a 32 bit linux?

    questo è l’output del terminale:

    ./minitube: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    invece su kubuntu 32 funziona

  5. Flavio says:

    La versione a 32bit è disponibile precompilata, quella a 64bit puoi compilarla da solo. O rivolgerti al tuo impacchettatore di fiducia ;)

  6. teq says:

    g++ -c -pipe -O2 -Wall -W -D_REENTRANT -DDATADIR=\”/usr/local/share\” -DPKGDATADIR=\”/usr/local/share/minitube\” -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_PHONON_LIB -DQT_XML_LIB -DQT_GUI_LIB -DQT_NETWORK_LIB -DQT_CORE_LIB -DQT_SHARED -I/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/linux-g++ -I. -I/usr/include/qt4/QtCore -I/usr/include/qt4/QtNetwork -I/usr/include/qt4/QtGui -I/usr/include/qt4/QtXml -I/usr/include/qt4/phonon -I/usr/include/qt4 -I/usr/include/phonon -Isrc/qtsingleapplication -Isrc/thlibrary -Ilocale -Ibuild/moc -o build/obj/main.o src/main.cpp
    In file included from src/main.cpp:4:
    src/MainWindow.h:7:32: error: phonon/audiooutput.h: Nessun file o directory
    src/MainWindow.h:8:33: error: phonon/volumeslider.h: Nessun file o directory
    src/MainWindow.h:9:32: error: phonon/mediaobject.h: Nessun file o directory
    src/MainWindow.h:10:31: error: phonon/seekslider.h: Nessun file o directory
    In file included from src/MainWindow.h:13,
    from src/main.cpp:4:
    src/MediaView.h:7:32: error: phonon/videowidget.h: Nessun file o directory
    In file included from src/MainWindow.h:13,
    from src/main.cpp:4:
    src/MediaView.h:36: error: ‘Phonon’ has not been declared
    src/MediaView.h:36: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘…’ before ‘*’ token
    src/MediaView.h:60: error: ‘Phonon’ has not been declared
    src/MediaView.h:60: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘…’ before ‘newState’
    src/MediaView.h:62: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘…’ before ‘::’ token
    src/MediaView.h:62: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘Phonon’ with no type
    src/MediaView.h:88: error: ‘Phonon’ has not been declared
    src/MediaView.h:88: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘MediaObject’ with no type
    src/MediaView.h:88: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
    src/MediaView.h:89: error: ‘Phonon’ has not been declared
    src/MediaView.h:89: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘VideoWidget’ with no type
    src/MediaView.h:89: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
    In file included from src/main.cpp:4:
    src/MainWindow.h:50: error: ‘Phonon’ has not been declared
    src/MainWindow.h:50: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘…’ before ‘newState’
    src/MainWindow.h:134: error: ‘Phonon’ has not been declared
    src/MainWindow.h:134: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘SeekSlider’ with no type
    src/MainWindow.h:134: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
    src/MainWindow.h:135: error: ‘Phonon’ has not been declared
    src/MainWindow.h:135: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘VolumeSlider’ with no type
    src/MainWindow.h:135: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
    src/MainWindow.h:136: error: ‘Phonon’ has not been declared
    src/MainWindow.h:136: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘MediaObject’ with no type
    src/MainWindow.h:136: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
    src/MainWindow.h:137: error: ‘Phonon’ has not been declared
    src/MainWindow.h:137: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘AudioOutput’ with no type
    src/MainWindow.h:137: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
    src/Constants.h:10: warning: ‘Constants::EMAIL’ defined but not used
    make: *** [build/obj/main.o] Errore 1

  7. Flavio says:

    @teq: Phonon non viene trovato. Hai installato gli header di Phonon? Se sì, prova ad editare, nelle prime linee trovi il path degli include di Phonon, lo puoi settare a quello del tuo sistema.

  8. teq says:

    @ flavio
    ho provato con tutte le directory, ma non lo trova. riesci a vedere dove sono gli headers che dicevi?

    locate phonon

  9. Flavio says:

    Non ci sono. Sono file .h
    Installa il pacchetto “-dev” tipo “phonon-dev” o “libphonon-dev”. Queste cose le dovresti chiedere nei forum della tua distro…

  10. teq says:

    mancava libphonon-dev. funziona, grazie Flavio!!!

  11. teq says:

    come si fa a cancellare la cronologia di ricerca?

  12. Airman says:

    I like this App! Keep up the good works!

  13. teq says:

    per cancellare la cronologia di ricerca?

  14. Flavio says:

    @teq Non c’è questa funzionalità. I dati sono dentro “~/.config/Flavio Tordini/Minitube”. Puoi cancellare tutta la directory.

  15. teq says:

    cercavo proprio quello, grazie.

  16. Ascaron says:

    Hi Flavio,
    i have a small problem:
    installed version 6.1.rpm from openSuse-repo incl. libphonon.rpm. (OS 11.1)
    With start minitube in the console i got that result:
    “./minitube: symbol lookup error: ./minitube: undefined symbol: _ZN18QNetworkProxyQueryC1ERK4QUrlNS_9QueryTypeE”

    Do you have any suggestions

  17. Flavio says:

    Ascaron, you have Qt < 4.5

  18. Ascaron says:

    yes, its 4.4.3

  19. Ascaron says:

    i have updated to QT>4.6, but there is the same error!?

  20. Flavio says:

    Ascaron: Qt 4.6 is not even released… Anyway make sure you’re actually using the newly installed version.

  21. Ascaron says:

    You are right. I had the wrong version. Sorry.
    Run minitube, insert keyword, and I receive a list of the videos to the selection.
    But the selected video does not start.
    “a required codec is missing. You need to install the following codec(s) to play this content: MPEG-4 AAC, H.264”

    I have this codecs on my system, so i think its a version problem

  22. Flavio says:

    Ascaron: You’re missing a codec. If you are using the GStreamer backend then install gstreamer-ffmpeg. These problems wouldn’t occur if you were using a package for your distribution. I hope somebody will step up to do it.

  23. Ascaron says:

    i have now only one missing codec: MPEG-4 AAC
    gstreamer is updatetd

  24. Flavio says:

    Try installing “gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad”, at least this is how it is called on my Ubuntu.

  25. Ascaron says:

    Thanks a lot,
    you have done a very good job.
    It works very well.

    At last; how can i delete the keywords? ;)

  26. Flavio says:

    @Ascaron: rm -rf “~/.config/Flavio Tordini/Minitube”