
Sofa remote control now works on GNOME

Hi all, I’ve been working to a GNOME port of the Sofa Server. GNOME is the desktop environment that powers most Linux desktops, including Debian, Ubuntu and many others.

It’s been an interesting work. The Qt-based server written in C++ installs a GNOME extension written in Javascript and communicates with it via DBUS. Cool technologies.

Maybe it is possible and very low-effort to port this work to GNOME Shell derivatives like Cinnamon. I’ll have to investigate this in the future. Let me know if you have any tips.

For now, I’m only shipping a .deb package, unfortunately cutting off distributions not based on Debian. Let me know how to target more distros. Flatpak or snap? Just RPM?

The Sofa Server is free and the Sofa mobile app is freemium with a complete version in-app purchase. Give it a try.

Sofa now available on Google Play

Sofa, the remote control for macOS is now live on the Google Play store. If you have a Mac and an Android device give it a try!

Sofa is live on the App Store!

Sofa, the remote control for macOS is finally published on the iOS App Store. It is available for iPhone and iPad. Get it from the App Store and let me know your impressions.

Introducing Sofa, the remote control for your Mac

I’ve been working to a new project for iOS and Android. An app that lets you control your Mac with your smartphone or tablet. It’s great when you’re lying on the sofa and when doing a presentation or maybe you’re cooking or whatever.

As always I’ve tried to come up with a unique, completely thought-from-scratch user interface. Sofa combines elements of a typical remote with an accessibility client, a launcher, a file manager, a keyboard, all in order to interact with your Mac in a seamless way with very few taps. It’s hard to describe, just try it and see for yourself.

Sofa is meant to be cross-platform, so a server for Windows and Linux will eventually come in the future. Sofa is currently in beta. Please test it on iOS with TestFlight and let me know your thoughts.

Get Sofa

Oh, and merry Christmas everybody!