Musique 1.1 released

I’m happy to announce the release of Musique 1.1! This release brings many improvements. I tried to listen to user feedback and set priorities accordingly. scrobbling finally comes to Musique with a streamlined UI. I hope you’ll appreciated the effort I made trying to avoid clutter and keep the app “preferences-free”.

The music collection scanning has seen various improvements. It is now much faster. At least 2x or 3x faster. Photos are found for a greater number of artists. Track titles are now corrected automatically using data from Album covers are loaded from image files following common naming conventions such as “cover.jpg”, “front.jpg” and “folder.jpg”. Album covers embedded in audio files are also supported. Once the scanning process is complete, remote album covers and artist photos will start downloading in the background.

Lyrics embedded in MP3 files are now supported.

Album release year inside tags has now precedence over often incorrect release year.

On Windows, an important bug causing duplicate tracks after a rescan has been fixed. On the Mac, the UI has been enhanced by using the native, rounded search box and a new style for the sliders. Also application menu items such as “Quit” and “About” should be properly localized for languages other than English.

Enjoy and spread the word about Musique!

  1. pakal says:


    great work!
    it’s a really nice player, the best i know for linux.
    Is there a way to add “Genre” ?

  2. furiat says:

    Hi Flavio,

    After this update I really like your app. Works great on Linux Mint 12.

    As to scrobbling support, now I can use Musique as my default player and I donated as promised. :)

    Keep up the good work!


  3. sv says:

    thank you very much, scrobbling was the feature i was waiting for!

  4. Marie says:

    Bravo pour ce lecteur! Simple et efficace, c’est un vrai plaisir de naviguer à travers les pochettes d’album. Voilà un lecteur qui va me faire abandonner Quodlibet, c’est tout dire!

    Ce que j’apprécie particulièrement:

    -La navigation par pochettes

    -Les informations sur les artistes et l’affichage très agréable des informations

    -Le fait de pouvoir faire une playlist par “drag and drop”

    Quelques petites remarques et questions:

    -Comment faire pour qu’il s’ouvre automatiquement en plein écran?

    -Le système de recherche est perfectible: il faut appuyer sur la touche Entrée, ce qui est inutile. D’autre part, on ne peut pas mettre deux mots-clés (ou fragments de mots).
    Sur Quodlibet, si je veux afficher tous les enregistrements de Wagner par Mravinsky, il n’y a qu’à taper wag mra. Une amélioration est-elle prévue?

    -Est-il possible de désactiver l’affichage des noms d’albums par-dessus la pochette du disque?

    -Où sont stockées les informations sur les artistes?…sur internet?…

    Merci, et bravo encore!

  5. 2Ben says:

    Hi Flavio,

    Thanks for Musique, it’s really good. However, I store music less and less on my laptop, and more and more on my NAS that serves as DLNA server. It would really be great if Musique could support DLNA and stream directly from the NAS. Do you think that would be doable ?

    Thanks !


  6. Flavio says:

    I really don’t know about DLNA. But you could use something like SSHFS to mount a remote filesystem.

  7. Madis says:

    Cool music player. Waiting for Ubuntu Sound menu integration.

  8. Sorrodje says:

    Very Nice Player and great job . Thank you for your work.

    I’m using Ubuntu 12.04 : Do you plan to integrate Musique to Unity ( especially with Music Lens and Sound Indicator ? )

  9. NildoSan says:

    Thank you very much, your player is great, and scrobble is a great feature.
    If you could include a Now Playing feature for skype, pidgin, amsn, kopete… would be awesome
    Integration with Ubuntu(Unity) could be really cool.
    thanks, a lot of thanks. ( a truck of thanks :) )

  10. Pino says:

    Ciao Flavio,

    complimenti per il programma, ma…

    Due cose non trovo ottimali:

    1 – le foto che appaiono per gli album non sono quelle originali
    2 – non tutte le cartelle appaiono nella finestra di Musique. Ad esempio all’interno della cartella di Musica ho diversi album. Alcuni sono una mia raccolta di diversi CD. Uno di questi l’ho nominato semplicemente Mix. Visto che ci sono diversi artisti. Ma Musique non carica queste cartelle.

    Spero di essere stato chiaro.
    Ti saluto