Musictube in a store near you

Just a quick note to announce that Musictube is now available on the Mac App Store and on the Ubuntu Software Center. Yay!

  1. Alejandro says:

    I’m just curious why the app is €9 in your site, €5.99 in the AppStore and €10.99 in the Ubuntu Software Center.

  2. Tyler says:

    I was wondering if there was a way to limit the search to Explicit songs only? I use this app at many parties and not many people enjoy radio edits. If not, it’d be a cool update!


  3. mariano says:

    sto utilizzando la versione prova della tua app da ieri e la trovo molto valida, complimenti.
    c’è un modo per farla interagire con l’apple tv?? hai in previsione modifiche a riguardo?