Minitube status update

The latest weeks have been exciting. The development of Minitube is such a gratification for me. I’ve been following Qt development for literally years and from time to time experimented with C++. But I never had something really useful to do with it. I mean, until now.

The response to Minitube has been overwhelming. Lots of downloads, emails, comments, two people volunteering for translation and even a 1€ donation ;)

But the most exciting thing for me is the inclusion in some Linux distributions, namely Gentoo and ArchLinux. Also the Fink project added Minitube to its repository. I’m very pleased to be able to give something back to the Free Software community.

These days I’m readying the code base for the 0.3 release. So stay tuned!

  1. Tomas Kaluza says:

    I am trying to install minitube 0.3 on Hardy Heron, and when I try to run it, I get following error:
    tomas@Ubuntu-Tomas:~/Descargas/minitube$ ./minitube
    ./minitube: symbol lookup error: ./minitube: undefined symbol: _ZN19QStyledItemDelegate16staticMetaObjectE

    Do You know what could be the cause?

    Thank You very much for the answer, I would like to try minitube a lot – to get rid of flash viewing Youtube videos..

    Best regards.

    • Flavio says:

      It seems Hardy’s Qt4 is too old. It misses QStyledItemDelegate that was introduced in 4.4, I’ll add this to the requirements. Try to update your Qt4 libraries from hardy-backports.

  2. Flavio P says:

    Ciao, sono dietro un proxy e incontro questo errore, a cosa è dovuto?

    iguano@bender:~/minitube/minitube$ ./minitube
    Using HTTP proxy: http://user:password@hostname:port
    ./minitube: symbol lookup error: ./minitube: undefined symbol: _ZN18QNetworkProxyQueryC1ERK4QUrlNS_9QueryTypeE

  3. Flavio says:

    @Flavio P: Hai le Qt < 4.5

  4. Paola says:

    Ciao, ho lo stesso problema di cui sopra. Ebbene, io ho appena scaricato le Qt4.5.2. Che fare? Grazie

    I have the same problem. But I have installed the Qt4.5.2. How do? Thanks,

  5. Flavio says:

    Ok allora forse manca il modulo qt-network?

  6. Paola says:

    Ouf! Sto diventando matta! Installato Qt-network ed un sacco di altre dipendenze che non ricordo più. Adesso minitube si avvia, però quando tento di vedere un video mi dice:

    Dopodichè ho installato anche faad e faac, ma ripete la stessa lamentela. Cos’altro c’è?
    Di nuovo grazie e ciao,

  7. Paola says:

    Mi dice:
    phonon error: a required codec is missing. You need to install …. MPEG-4 AAC

    (perchè il copia-incolla non funziona? Perdonatemi, sono newbie)

  8. Flavio says:

    Paola, sì tutto questo è complicato. Il fatto è che non sta a te farlo ma al “packager”, cioè quelli creano pacchetti .deb. Purtroppo ancora nessuno ha creato pacchetti Debian e un newbie, rigorosamente parlando, non può ancora usare Minitube. I binari che fornisco sono un “best-effort” per chi sa installare le dipendenze e in generale configurarsi il sistema.
    Detto questo, se hai ancora pazienza, devi capire se stai usando il backend Gstreamer oppure Xine. E poi installare i codec mancanti. Prova gstreamer-ffmpeg.