Minitube 3.4

Here’s another Minitube release. These are the main changes:
- 0-9 keyboard shortcuts to navigate video
- Left and Right arrow keyboard shortcuts to seek 10 seconds
- New icons
- Fixed layout bug when window is maximized on macOS
- Fixed playback for some videos
- Updated Polish and Japanese translations
After updating from 3.3 to Version 3.4 on Ubuntu 20.04 it will have some google api code for using it.
Never was it before on any other Versions of Minitube! Please remove it from.
Google sect should be never feeding with personal Data! F* the dumb US Companies!
Sorry, download again from this site. A first upload was not built correctly.
Thanks Flavio!!!
Now is it working well as before :)
There is one little bug -maybe just on my System- , if i click on a Video for play it it plays without sound and i have to click to the next one and click back to the one before for playing it with sound.
Little annoying but it works. This same bug was present on 3.3 too on Ubuntu 20.04 and 19.10.
I have a “normal” Intel onboard CPU with Realtek soundchip.
Minitube 3.4 ask me for a Google API key (Kubuntu).
I don’t found one at https: //
And I don’t understand how get one from :
Where found the API key?
maybe you have the wrong one 3.4 version of yesterday, install the new .deb file again
If it ask again for the API key, just click the cancell button -click it away- and restart Minitube again.
After this it was working for me !! :)
I’ve fanaly get a API key from Google (I’ve create a project).
Just installed Minitube version 3.4 for Linux (Solus 4.1 Fortitude) and it works great! Thank you Flavio, Mille grazie Flavio!
Minitube version 3.4.2 for Linux (Solus) works also great! Thank you Flavio :-).
Hi XaRal,
can you please build a installable Minitube.eopkg for Solus and upload it somewhere?
Dear Flavio,
the Sound Bug is gone on Ubuntu 20.04 with the updated Version 3.4.2 ! What have you done? :)
Thank you soo much!!!
G’day Rokko, Try this link
No Support and no Warranty use at own risk !
Hi XaRaI,
that was quick, thank you!
It works well and i am glad i can use it not only on Ubuntu. :)
G’day Rokko, Nice that it works you :-). Total credits goes of course to Flavio, for his beautiful software.