Kataweb News

My latest effort in web development is now online, its name is Kataweb News. It’s an italian news aggregator. Incoming news content from the main italian media is analyzed and keywords (Web 2.0 fanboys would say tags) are automatically extracted. Other features include user comments, a usable and standard-compliant design, so called tag clouds and contextualized RSS feeds.

Another main feature is decontextualized advertising (also known as spam), but Adblock can help with this kind of features.

Obviously the site makes heavy use of Gomba, Juseppe, the patched JSTL and the HTTP Headers Filter.

This is mainly a one-man project starting from the MySQL schema, to the application logic, up to the CSS style. I hope the site will be useful to real people and that it brings innovation to the italian web, which is rather depressing these days.

UPDATE: Here’s a list of reviews and comments about the site: