Google suggest in Minitube

Google suggestI just finished to add Google suggest support into Minitube. It was quick since there is a Qt example available that does just that. I guess everybody knows what I’m talking about. When you type a keyword a little popup appears under the search box with the most popular keywords matching what you have typed.
The implementation is a bit buggy but already usable, the code is available on Gitorious. I’m not sure if additionally showing the user’s own previous searches would be a good idea… maybe not. Both from a privacy and performance point of view.

In the meantime, Stefan Brueck has been working on building Minitube on Windows. He has an experimental build, that basically does everything apart playing videos ;)

Not a bad start for this development cycle! Once the completion stuff is really perfect, I think I’ll work on some minor polishing and release 0.5 right away.