Minitube in Debian unstable
Minitube has been uploaded to Debian Sid, the unstable version of Debian. Hopefully the package will continue its trip to testing and finally to a stable release. The inclusion in Debian unstable also means that most Debian derivatives will inherit the package. Interestingly, the package directly depends on the GStreamer backend and required codecs.
This is a great achievement for me. Having a single line of code in Debian has always been a dream for me, let alone an entire package. Thanks to anyone who helped getting Minitube in Debian!
By the way, I thought I would be quite happy about this and think I am, but I really can’t feel it since I lost my job a few days ago and I’m still in the process of reorganizing and deciding what to do with my life. It’s hard to feel the love in this kind of situation. But I’ll get over it.
Trackback did not work, so doing this manually:,-thoughts-on-phonon-dependencies.html
Non poteva non essere altrimenti, Flavio.
Un’applicazione del genere non poteva non saltare all’occhio dei mantainer di Debian.
Così come un programmatore talentuoso non poteva non entrare nella “leggenda”.
Il talento appunto: una virtù spesso ignorata o sottovalutata dalla nostre parti, ma stai sicuro che se coltivato prima o poi paga.
Perciò sono convinto che tutto si sistemerà presto dalle tue parti.
In bocca al lupo e complimenti!
Ti vorrei chiedere a proposito di Debian Lenny, e se sia fattibile farci girare minitube. Ci son riuscito – in parte – ma aspetto un tuo “LA” (va bene anche un “DO” :-D )
A risentirci.
Ciao Flaviè,
non so se essere più contento per le release o dispiaciuto per la tua posizione lavorativa, purtroppo al momento non sono nella posizione di poterti dare un indirizzo, ti prometto però che se dovesse uscire qualcosa sarai sicuramente il primo ad essere avvisato.
In bocca al lupo per tutto, un abbraccio,
If Google Translate did not mislead me, you are looking for minitube for Debian Lenny. Unfortunately, minitube depends on qt >= 4.5 and qt in Lenny is 4.4. So unless you also backport qt 4.5 for Lenny, there will be no minitube for Lenny.
Well. sorry and congratulations, i hope all work well for you!
btw you could think about making a plugin for firefox to open youtube links on minitube direcly!
whould be major win!
@Simone, grazie per il commento! Un saluto.
Complimenti per il traguardo raggiunto e tanti auguri per la faccenda lavorativa sperando si risolva presto.
Ho fatto un piccolo post nel blog a riguardo :)
Flavio, any plans for suporting subscriptions and favorites?
GET “”
Playing “”
Playing “”
Phonon error: “” 0
Phonon error: “The file or folder does not exist.” 1
Howdy! Long time minitube user. It appears that all youtube videos are no longer working–any idea whats going on? Did Youtube change some parsing parameters?
Could not get it work on ubuntu 10.04. First it says “error could not locate MRL plugin” so i used “sudo apt-get install libqt4-network libqt4-dbus libqt4-sql-sqlite libtag1c2a phonon-backend-gstreamer gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad” and now it just says “fatal error”. I have all the gstreamer plugins installed and i removed the xine backend thing.
building on the sholders of giants with debian. congrats. and sorry for your loss. keep up the great work here and things will work out for you.
builds and installs fine in debian sid. I use checkinstall to install.
Works with xine back-end but not with gstreamer back-end, selectable in that KDE systems settings.
You are very talented, you will find a job soon.
You da man.
Bonjour j’ai le message: “canot find input plugin for mrl” quant je tente de lire une video , je suis sur sur ubuntu 10.04.1 x64 si une solution existe vous serais il possible de me l’envoyer. avec mes remerciement et bravo pour ce logiciel que j’ai vu tourner chez un ami, ce qui m’a donne envie de l’installer sur mon pc :)
@Yann install xine-ffmpeg. Just follow the “Linux setup instructions”.
On my ubuntu 10.10. I hear the voice and see the letters written by the video poster, but there’s no video. Any idea why?
Volevo chiedere se è possibile far girare minitube (1.2) su Debian Lenny o se le librerie di phonon son troppo vecchie. Grazie.
same like 007: audio works, but no video. however can record and afterwards see it with mplayer the videos. with vlc as backend works the video, but just step by step. if you want to select another video instead of leving to play in the order hangs.